Misha Spanner has a love and passion for her island’s history and culture


Misha Spanner was born on St Eustatius, the “Golden Rock Of The Caribbean”. Her love and passion for her island’s history and culture started at a very young age.  She was privileged to hear many old stories about her island’s rich history, oral history and the remarkable role it played throughout the world during the 17th, 18th and 19th century from her parents, grandparents and many other people from all walks of life. 

Unfortunately, during her primary school years, her island’s fascinating history and stories were not part of the local schools curriculum. From there on Miss Spanner knew that one day she would love to create and contribute fun and educational activities, where youngsters would be able to enjoy hearing and learning more about their own island’s history and culture.

In 2002, she started her profession as a Museum Guide at the St Eustatius Historical Foundation Museum.

Misha who is also a local playwright and actress founded the Simon Doncker Youth Club in 2008. This Club is a fun, interactive medium geared towards educating the island’s youth about their own local history, culture and Intangible Cultural Heritage, with the aim of protecting and preserving St. Eustatius’ rich past through storytelling and theatre for future generations.  Miss Spanner also plays the theatrical character role of “Miss Aggie” (A humorous local elderly lady), who is well known on the island for her captivating and often times very humorous and satirical performances, along with the Simon Doncker Youth Club. Many of these performances can be seen during local events such as; Statia Day, Emancipation Day and local school events, just to name a few. Both Misha and her Youth Club students have had the honor to performing for the Dutch Royal Family, and many other visiting dignitaries and visitors.

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